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If you want to know where we came from, jump into the first book of the five-part series on the beginning of it all. Genesis is the first historical book in what’s called the ‘Pentateuch’ (five books), or the ‘Torah’. It describes the beginning of all things, except the one who existed before all things! Get to know Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, the fathers of our faith, and build a strong and solid foundation of who we are and where we came from. This is our ancestry, so jump in to where it all began.


Genesis Short Course

in the beginning, god created

g 1:1


Part One

DIVE - Keep it simple | KATIE HALDANE

The first words of the Bible are the most powerful and frustrating words in the whole book. They give you a lesson in faith that will sustain you as you go through the whole Bible.

DEEP DIVE - introduction to the trinity | katie haldane

Genesis gives us the foundation to a lot of questions of existence: creation, the human race, sin. This week, we are looking at the hidden statements of fact we find in the Bible and diving deeper into the implications of those statements.

Part Two

DIVE - THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY | katie haldane

I love the fact that the Bible tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  If someone wrote the story of my life, I would want some editing–don’t tell them the time I completely humiliated myself or the time when I lost my temper or lied.

DEEP DIVE - OMNI-WHAT? | ryan kerrison

God is many things, as the Bible does and continues to communicate to humanity. However, one great place to begin the journey of discovering God’s nature is with three words that theologians have coined and used to describe aspects of God’s abilities and nature.

Part Three

DIVE - supernaturally natural | katie haldane

Have you noticed how supernatural the lives of the people in Genesis are? The Lord speaks to them over and over again, they have angels visiting them, they have dreams while sleeping on a stone, they wrestle with God himself and they are guided by the Most High on a daily basis.

DEEP DIVE - the personality of god | Ryan Kerrison

Personality can be described as the quality of being a person. Further definition exposes a flaw in the ability to discuss God’s own personality, but here goes.

Part Four

DIVE - did god put joseph in prison? | katie haldane

Joseph is such an incredible man of God. When I read his life story in Genesis 37-50, I get something new out of it every time. You could preach a thousand messages on this man. This guy is the ultimate overcomer; he keeps going in the midst of the most unfair and unjust circumstances.


Some people are scared of studying the Bible, just in case they find a scripture that confuses them or perhaps even a scripture that they disagree with. But the Bible is strong enough to stand up against any argument or study that you put to it.



Genesis Context Videos