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Prophesying just before and into the exile of the people of Judah, Jeremiah is a book of lament, honesty and frustration. This prophet was called by God to a very annoying people that wouldn’t listen to him. They put him in prison, beat him up and called him a traitor, but he keeps going (after a lot of complaining to God). Jeremiah is taken captive with the exiled people (I imagine with a sign that said ‘I told you so!’) but like Isaiah, he prophesies that there is hope and that they will only be in exile for seventy years – a prophecy that both Daniel and King Cyrus read to give them hope and direction. Get involved with the life of this frustrated prophet as you read Jeremiah.


Jeremiah Short Course

they will fight against, but will not overcome you, for i am with you

j 1:19

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Part One

dive - THE CALL OF JEREMIAH |katie haldane

I love the fact that the Bible isn’t full of people that we can’t relate to, they are not people that respond in superhuman ways that I am simply never going to be able to imitate. But the Bible is filled with people that inspire and stir us to be more than we currently are.

DEEP DIVE - The lost art of lamenting | EMMA AUSTIN

Maybe this has happened to you. You had your plans laid out, for your career, marriage, family, ministry. And somewhere in the midst of following your dreams, God’s calling leads you in a bizarrely new direction. The prophet Jeremiah can certainly relate.

Part Two

DIVE -HAVE I AND DO I? | katie haldane

As I read Jeremiah I am overwhelmed with the questions: have I and do I? Every time I read the charges against Israel: you followed other gods, you prostituted yourself, you didn’t trust in me, you have no awe of me. I can’t help but self-assess – have I done these things in my life, do I do these things today?


It was recently declared over me, “the gift of prophecy rides on the back of the character of courage. You’ve got both and hats off to you. When you are like that you create enemies just because you are like that and I would say get used to it for the rest of your life.

Part Three


There is a famous quote that says: “The only way for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing”. And as I read Jeremiah, I keep hearing this over and over again but in a slightly different version – all I hear is

“The only way for evil to prevail is for good men to say nothing!”

DEEP DIVE - false prophets in jeremiah and today | katie haldane

The people that confuse and shock me as I read the book of Jeremiah are the ‘false prophets.’ Prophets of Israel that are not prophesying what God is saying. We find these incredible moments throughout the text. So let’s look at two questions: what role does the ‘false prophet’ serve in the book of Jeremiah and are there any warnings that we can take from their lives today?



Jeremiah Context Videos

i know the plans i have for you, plans to give you a hope and a future

J 29:11