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Have you ever wondered if God has seen the bad things that have happened to you? This short book, the shortest in the Old Testament, will show you that God sees everything. Watching the Edomites raid Judah and Jerusalem, who are supposed to be family, God’s holy justice rises against them, and you see that our God is no wimp.


Obadiah Short Course

Rise, let us go against her for battle

O 1:1

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Part One

dive -god is not a wimp, let him take care of you! | katie haldane

Have you ever been in a situation that was completely unjust and felt like God did not back you. I know this sounds terrible but there have been times in my life that “forgive and turn the other cheek” felt like I was allowing the person to get away with what they had done. It felt so wimpy, so unjust. I wanted justice, vindication, but God called me to forgive.

deep dive - edom, pride & judgement | Reuben michael els

As we have seen in the dive, the main point that the book of Obadiah is trying to make is that God's people should take courage, and the reason for this is that God still reigns supreme over the universe and all its inhabitants. The hope that God's people are to cling to is that God will take care of us and that the wrongs done unto the house of Judah will be made right.



Obadiah Context Video

Rise, let us go against her for battle

O 1:1