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Need more wisdom? This book is for you! The first nine chapters are great to read as one story as it sets you up in the characters of Wisdom and Folly. Journey as the author guides you into the fear of the Lord, the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs gives you practical wisdom for your everyday life in short easy to remember verses. This is your snack pack as you study another book. Take one wisdom-saying (proverb) a day and meditate on it. This book will change your thinking and give you the wisdom that you need to live your life to the full.


Proverbs Short Course

Above all else, guard your heart, For everything you do flows from it

P 4:23

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Part One

DIVE - it's time to be lost in wisdom |katie haldane

Before we start, let me emphasise something: this book is not to be read in a tweed coat with a pipe in your mouth (as much as I love the Sherlock Holmes look). This is not a letter or a historical narrative, this book is to be read in a colourful painting smock, surrounded by nature and expression!


The idea of ‘mulling’ over something to get wisdom is not really seen in our generation today. All we need to do is ask Google. But in the ancient near east taking time to gain wisdom and knowledge was honoured and in fact those who did this as their profession, were honoured as highly as the priests and prophets.



Proverbs Context Videos

Above all else, guard your heart, For everything you do flows from it

P 4:23