When you think about refreshing, reading your Bible might be a little way down on the list. But it really is a great way to be refreshed! It washes the truth over you, it revives your soul.
If you are feeling a bit stale, a bit lost in self-protection mode, maybe it’s time to refresh others.
Nothing that this world can provide can bring the same refreshing than spending time with God, in quiet beautiful moments where you are hanging out with him can.
We are refreshed in the community of God! I have loved Church online, to go to Church without having to get out of my pajamas has been amazing! But as I was reading my Bible, I was reminded that it is in the community of the Church that we are refreshed.
In this time of isolation our lives have melted together, time frames, structured days are now one big blurry mess. But it’s time to have a new start, restore the time of rest. Dedicating time with God, like the Sabbath or your prayer and Word time in the morning, is essential in your health and productivity.