Day 13: Read it Again!


Read it Again!

Jonah 4:2-3 I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from calamity. Now, LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live. 


The story of Jonah may be one you have heard over and over again in Sunday School; you have seen the felt board version, watched the movie and you have it down pat now! But I got it completely wrong. I thought God was chasing down Jonah because he was being disobedient and not prophesying when he was told to. I realised that I hadn’t read the full story, I only ‘knew’ about the story! As you read Jonah as one whole book, you get to know that Jonah doesn’t want to prophesy over the Ninevites because he hates them. They are Israel’s enemies and he knows that if he prophesies, they could repent and God would be slow to anger, merciful and compassionate and save them. That is why in the verse above he wants to die, because God is being compassionate to his enemies. 

You may have been reading your Bible for years now and you feel like you know all there is to know. But go again, read it again. The Holy Spirit will give you fresh revelation and deeper insight on things that you think you know.



What book in the Bible do you think you know a lot about that perhaps you can read again to get fresh revelation from?



I thank you God that we will be discovering new truths about you for the rest of our lives in your beautiful Word. So today, I pray give us fresh eyes to see stories and verses that we thought we knew. Give us fresh revelation from your Word and as we read stories again go deeper into our lives that you have before.

Trash Your Bible