Day 14: Make it Yours!


Make it yours!

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. 


Make your Bible yours. Buy one that reflects your nature, write all over it, journal in it, highlight and engage with it, because it is alive and active. The Bible is not boring, so stop making it boring. Take it outside, read it at the beach, read it at the lake, read it on your boat. This is your instruction manual for life, so let it be a part of your life. The word of God is alive and active, it has the power to transform you as you read it. It will equip and empower your walk with God as you stand on its truths, it will transform your thinking as you meditate on its verses. It will light up your daily path and it will show you the great future that his ahead of you. Living and active are two words that will describe your Bible reading time, as you engage with the people, authors, words, mistakes, triumphs of all you read. 



How can I make my Bible reading time mine? 



Thank you for my Bible, let it come alive to me today. Holy Spirit, as we journey through the Bible together, help me to live life in your Word. Show me what to engage in, show me where to read it that helps it to come alive, help me to adventure through my Bible on a daily basis and to love living life engaged with my Bible.

Trash Your Bible