Day 9: Would You?


Would You?

Luke 19:32-34 Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, “Why are you untying the colt?” They replied, “The Lord needs it.”


As I read my Bible and I read about the people in it, I ask myself, would I do what they did? Remember, these people are not superheroes. Even though they are incredible examples for us to live up to, they are normal men and women who faced the same fears and worries that we face every day! In this verse, Jesus tells the disciples to go and get a donkey and when the owner asks them why they are untying the donkey, to say “The Lord needs it.” Now, imagine the conversation walking to get the donkey. “Are we stealing this donkey? Has Jesus told the owner what we are doing? Are we going to get arrested for taking this donkey?” But they go anyway, full of faith and trust in Jesus that what He says will all work out for good. Would you do what they did, would you walk with that much obedience to the directions of Christ? 



Would you do what the disciples did in the gospels? Would you follow Jesus with all that was happening and all that He asked them to do? 



Jesus, help me to be as obedient as the disciples in this verse. Help me to walk in what You have called me to do, with trust and faith in You alone. Lord, as I read the stories of the people in the Bible, help me to be inspired, challenged and changed and to do what they did for You.

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