Advent Study Plan - A journey of expectation
Week 1: Hope
Theme: The Promise of a Savior
Scripture Readings:
• Day 1: Isaiah 9:6-7
Devotion: Reflect on the titles given to Jesus—Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. How do these titles bring hope to your life?
• Day 2: Jeremiah 33:14-16
Devotion: Consider God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises. Write down a promise from God that you are holding onto.
• Day 3: Romans 15:12-13
Devotion: Pray for hope to abound in your heart through the power of the Holy Spirit. How can you share this hope with others?
Reflection for the Week: Focus on the hope and anticipation of Christ's coming. Reflect on the promises God has made and kept. How does this hope impact your daily life and outlook?
Week 2: Peace
Theme: Peace in the Coming of Christ
Scripture Readings:
• Day 1: Micah 5:2-5
Devotion: Reflect on the prophecy of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem. How does knowing Jesus as the Shepherd bring peace to you?
• Day 2: Luke 2:13-14
Devotion: Meditate on the angelic announcement of peace. In what areas of your life do you need God's peace?
• Day 3: John 14:27
Devotion: Jesus gives us peace unlike the world. Pray for a deeper understanding of His peace in your heart.
Reflection for the Week: Explore how Jesus brings peace to the world and to our hearts. Consider ways to cultivate peace in your life and community. How can you be a peacemaker this Advent season?
Week 3: Joy
Theme: Joy in the Lord
Scripture Readings:
• Day 1: Psalm 98:4-9
Devotion: Joyfully praise God for His marvelous works. How can you express joy in your daily routine?
• Day 2: Luke 1:46-55
Devotion: Reflect on Mary's song of joy. What has God done in your life that brings you joy?
• Day 3: Philippians 4:4-7
Devotion: Rejoice in the Lord always. Pray for joy to fill your heart and overflow to those around you.
Reflection for the Week: Encourage subscribers to find joy in the presence of Jesus, even amidst life's challenges. Reflect on Mary's joy and the joy of the shepherds. How can you spread joy to others?
Week 4: Love
Theme: Love Made Manifest
Scripture Readings:
• Day 1: John 3:16-17
Devotion: Reflect on the magnitude of God's love in sending His Son. How does this love change your perspective?
• Day 2: 1 John 4:9-11
Devotion: Meditate on the call to love others as God loves us. In what ways can you show love to those around you?
• Day 3: Romans 5:8
Devotion: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. How can you embody this sacrificial love in your life?
Reflection for the Week: Reflect on the love God showed through the birth of Jesus. Discuss the call to love others as Christ loves us. How can you demonstrate this love during the Advent season?
Christmas Day: Celebration
Theme: The Birth of Christ
Scripture Readings:
• Luke 2:1-20
Devotion: Celebrate the birth of Jesus, the fulfillment of God's promise. Reflect on the significance of the incarnation and its impact on our lives.
• Matthew 2:1-12
Devotion: Consider the journey of the Magi and their gifts. What gift can you offer to Jesus this Christmas?
Reflection for Christmas Day: Celebrate the joy and wonder of Christ's birth. How can you carry the spirit of Advent into the new year?