Mark Dip - Day 6
Mark 13:26 At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
I know you have probably heard some really weird things about what is going to happen in the End Times, just read Mark Chapter 13 and it sends shivers down your spine. But remember, no matter what you read, hear or are taught about the End Times, Jesus wants us to focus on one thing: He is coming back with great power and glory. The Gospel of Mark is the story of Jesus’ first coming: as a suffering servant, born in a manger, crucified and risen from the dead. But His second coming will be very different: He will come in glory, He is coming back as Judge and Conqueror.
The instructions in Mark are powerful surrounding these verses, Mark actually says ‘Be on your guard’ over and over again. Now sometimes that can cause fear, but Mark doesn’t say to fear, he says to be on your guard, stand strong, knowing that when Jesus comes back, He is coming back in all His glory. Don’t be afraid of scriptures that talk about End Times like Mark 13:26, but allow the words to challenge your comfort zone and strengthen your faith. Jesus is coming back! It’s our time right now to share the good news to everyone we meet, with love and compassion as Jesus did. To bring the fullness of the Kingdom into people’s lives. Heal the sick, set the captives free and tell them the good news, He is coming back in glory!