Day 4: Know Your Family History.


Know Your Family History.

Genesis 17:3-6 Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying, "As for me, behold, my covenant is with you, and you will be the father of a multitude of nations. "No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.


The Old Testament is like studying our family history, like going on and finding out where you came from. The promise to Abraham in the above verse is that he will be the father of ‘a multitude of nations’. This is fulfilled in the people of God and the body of Christ today. So as the family of God, it is great to get to know where we came from, our history, the good and the bad all that is found in the Old Testament books. Learn about the nature of God as you read the Old Testament, learn about the Judges; the people that God used to save His people, engage with the kings and the prophets. The Old Testament gives you a solid foundation in your Christianity, discover and engage with the family of God today!



How important is it to know our ‘family history’ in the Old Testament and to have that solid foundation in our Christianity?



Father God, You are the same, yesterday today and forever. Encourage us to get to know the family in which we have entered when we asked You into our lives. I pray that as we read the Old Testament, you will give us a fresh revelation of the family of God, the people of God and a fresh heart to know our family history through the books of the Old Testament.

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